Wednesday, April 14, 2010

return the slab....or suffer my curse.

Not much to talk about today.
But that might just be a BIG FAT LIE.

I saw a movie the other day. That movie?
The new Clash of the Titans. I'd heard Zack Snyder was directing this (lies) which is why I went to see it with Mike. (also we were bored as fuck).

Not a bad film. Not great. Not even good really. But not bad. Definitely in that grey middle-ground with Spiderman 1, Troy, and "The Batman" show.

I suppose a positive note is that it doesnt stray too far from the original story, takes a few design cues from the first film (and makes them alot darker, but faker simultaneously) and the scene with the Kraken (which looks a bit like a Locust from Gears of War) is breathtaking. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes prove that no matter how scary/weird you make them look, they continue to be two of the finest actors we have.

On the other hand, the tragedy of the main character doesn't really seem to fuel his motives, due mostly to poor writing. He just seems to get angry and vengeful for no reason. And way way after he SHOULD have been angry and vengeful. Most of the supporting cast is there to collect paychecks. And then Perseus calls Medusa a bitch. Now, up until this point in the film, the language used is english but with old world undertones and phrasing and british accents. And then suddenly "LETS KILL THAT BITCH" kinda erupts out of nowhere. Also for such an epic film it had a very uninspired orchestral soundtrack. I dont think it had a theme. Just humming violins for 2 hours.

I think one of the most brilliant little bits was that the creature that drives the ferry across the river Styx is a gnarled skeletal thing that is also the mast of the ferry. That's some cool shit.

Either way, I'd say see it.


It's not anywhere near as good as How to Train your Dragon which is in theatres right now. If you haven't seen it, you should, or at least listen to the soundtrack which is GLORIOUS.

Speaking of, I scribbled very quickly the nightfury Toothless and a gronkle tonight.
I think the gronkles were my favorite dragons in the film. They were like little tanks. Like turtles, except agile and frightening. I'd totally own a gronkle, if they existed.


Whedon of Firefly and Dollhouse is directing the Avengers movie. Why isn't Jon Favreu directing it? I mean Whedon is a cool guy and all, but WHY? WHY?


Someone in my last post (Systech I think) asked me why I was making a protective suit. It's because I think I might do something I normally never do or touch or go near. Costumes at nerd conventions. Luckily mine will be a cool STALKER and not a fruity Sora/Yugioh/Cloud/whateveranime.
Speaking of, I'm thinking of drawing a fleshpound and a bloodsucker pounding fists like old buddies. But the question is, will I draw such a thing? will I? (probably not.)


My good friend Mr.Scriblam bought some of my shoes. And was kind enough to photograph them. According to him, they are good shoes made of fine material and the print on them isnt shoddy or messy or blurry. Which is great news! Especially for 60 bucks shoes from the internet!

Speaking of Scriblam, he made this delightful short film that teaches youngsters an important message about friendship and family!

Now dont you feel better?




  1. MrScriblam12:30 PM


  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    i want me some shoes. =d

  3. What ever happened to that graphically violent short you were making for Weebl? That looked like it was going to be great.

  4. i saw dem shoes IRL

    they were pretty neat!!!
