Sunday, May 09, 2010

Whats at the top of a do you think I know?

First things first. Wolffire Games, who made some bizarre yet fun game where you play as creepy rabbit people and kick each other in the face, has started up a crazy charity. By donating anything (literally you can donate a fuckin penny) you can get 5 DRM-free games to download. And WOW! They are actually good games holy SHIT!

Aquaria - kind of an underwater metroidvania type of thing. beautiful art. like a next gen eccho the dolphin if anyone remembers back when sega had good games.

World of Goo - played and beat this on my wii last year. still one of the hardest physics puzzle game i've played. brilliant though. some of the music is in my blog player.

Gish - made by a guy who's was a huge egotistical dick the few times I talked to him on the shithole that is Newgrounds. Can't deny he makes damn good games though.

Lugaru - weird. rabbits and wolves with n64 graphics. fun. weird. really weird. but fun.

Penumbra - a horror game where you die easily and have no real way to defend yourself other than hiding and trying to block enemies progress using your wits. Brilliant, SCARY, beautiful look to it. A very "mountains of madness meets myst" feel to the whole thing. Best of the bunch with Aquaria in close 2nd. Worth donating to get alone.

Anyway I donated 10 bucks for the deal, cause that seemed like a fair amount.

Anyway to get a hold of this deal (its only gonna last 2 more days, after that, TOO BAD)you need to go here: Humble Indie Bundle

It is MORE than worth it.

Penumbra is the best spooky thing I've played since Silent Hill 2


Speaking of indy games, here is a picture of me hiding between the eyebrows of a giant version of my head in Minecraft. Thanks to Korovin for snapping this.


The last episode of Cowboy Beebop is on. This show is one of the most amazing things to ever come out of animation.


And speaking of things that aren't indy games or cartoons.

Jacob the Seed and Mr.Scriblam have been thinking of making a comic website. With multiple comics. An old idea I had for a possible comic has started pestering my brain again and in its pester, has willed my hand to draw some of the things from it.

Will this comic be made? Who knows. Probably not, given how busy/lazy/talentless I usually am. But a man can dream!

If I were to make it, I'd probably ink it all in flash.

To finish this blog post, here are some short films I like:


J.J.Abrams once again has made some mysterious scifi movie with a vague trailer. I am intrigued and annoyed, much like with his previous Cloverfield event. It's called Super 8. And judging from the tiny bit of info out, the title actually has something to do with the films content this time! And once again, I cant find any picture of whatever neat looking alien creature busts out of the train in the trailer that was in front of Iron Man 2. My own curiosity won't let me be, so once again I'm going to have to ravage the internet until I figure out what it looks like either via leaked photo or concept art.


Post over everyone go home.


  1. those designs look pretty awesome.

    i probably need to start looking for comic ideas or something because i am pretty much bone dry of ideas for that thing!

  2. Anonymous8:00 PM

    you'd probably be the only good artist on that 'comic site' if it ever actually got made

    the people starting it look like complete hacks
