Wednesday, November 17, 2010

oh theres lots of brown bits stuck to the bottom of the skillet

It's done.
The Harry Potter Cartoon.

For those wondering what my role was, I was mostly in charge of backrounds and the drawings during the photo-montage scene. Didn't 'animate' any parts.

Anyway there it is.


Comedian Harland Williams is in a new show on Comedy Central called Nick Swardson's Pretend Time that comes on at like 2am. It's not a great show (it's pretty bad honestly) but I'm glad he's still getting work. He's a very funny guy who is amazing at improv and is painfully underused.


The Gorillaz have recently released a whole bunch of stuff.
A new single with an interesting music video. A vid about their new world tour. A weird and amusing tour of their website and the new internet explorer (which I'll never use!) The ad has so much work put into it, I can only assume the staff must actually REALLY like the browser. Still won't use it though. They also did this fantastically well animated short that played before their last concert.

And just like every week, I updated Dustbunnies with a new comic.


I got to design some iphone cases!


Shockingly, they aren't more expensive than most designer iphone cases. A new era of sane pricing is rising! Or I probably jinxed it.
Anywho, there they are.

Back to working on the new Catface episode.

1 comment:

  1. =) yeah grats Avada Kedavra is on the top 50 of all time at newgrounds =) Very nicely done =).

    It beat me for daily first haha =). your minecraft bits are also looking good =)

    I'v been to busy animating to play =(
