Sunday, February 27, 2011

Step aside, and you won't have to feel the awesome wrath of our mustaches.

I have been an extremely busy bee.

Right off the bat, here's something important. I made my own minecraft texture pack. Yes that's right. I basically wanted to make a simple cartoony texture pack that used alot of squares and stripes in the design. BEHOLD SCREENSHOTS.

If I had words

to make a day for you

I'd give you a morning

golden and new

And here is a rather dark video I made of the pack in action:

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IT (updated march 3rd)

I doubt I'll edit that link as the game updates and will instead just post new versions in new blogposts because thats easier and makes more sense.


Here's some art you have never seen before.
I painted this more than a year ago. I hated it. I hated it more than anything I've ever done. It was a paintover of a photo a friend took. Can you tell which part is the photo hyuck hyuck.
Anyway times change, standards have been lowered, and I don't hate this thing as much as I once did.
And so like the dusty overstretched hand-me-down undergarments of an older sibling, I pass this exercise in artistic futility down to you.

To see the huge version click here.

So other than that what have I been up to? Well for starters I've been very busy with the latest Cadbury cream egg advert which is now online! It was a parody of Tron Legacy. And as I am a fan of the tron films and forgotten video game on the xbox, I wanted to make this one as nice as I could.


This was a massive amount of work! There's actually a very sly subtle reference to the Tron 2.0 videogame in the bar scene. A reference nobody will get since nobody played that great game. :C


I also uploaded an unfinished flash I was doing for weebl ages ago. It never went anywhere and we completely forgot it existed. It has some nice bits of animation in it, as much like the still unfinished Polypeptide, I did it all with my tablet PC so I tried to cram as much motion into it as I could.

One day I need to finish a cartoon that doesn't belong to someone else.


Borders, the famous bookstore chain, is dying. And so currently alot of their books are currently 20-40% off. So I decided to splurge today and get a bunch of books I've always wanted to own.
I got The Amazing Screw-On Head by Mike Mignola, Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli, the sequel to The Big Book of Color, and a few books on street art and graphic and typographical design.

I think the coolest thing I saw at the Borders in terms of non-book stuff was they had the film Delicatessen on DVD. A very dark comedic film about a performer in a post-apocalyptic world who moves into a house owned by a butcher who wants to kill him and serve his meat to people for lots of money, since food is now a currency in the foodless future. OBSCURE AS FUCK. And not in the hipster way either. I'm still shocked they had it there.


Also about a week ago, I was informed by my friend Courtney that the fair was in town. And I hadn't gone yet. And I go every year.
So, me and Mike went. I ate a deep-fried snickers that gave me a toothache that lasted 3 days. YAY FAIR FOOD.

Anyway, like most events I go to, I brought along my camera so you can watch as I wander the fair, murmuring unfunny things to myself in my unsettling voice! This video also features "The Chicken that Wouldn't Shut Up" which later died when someone squeezed it's beak shut and it rapidly filled with BUCKAWS and exploded.

Anyway the Princess Bride is on. Good day.


  1. delicatessen, it's not so rare where i am. I see it in most foreign sections along with amelie and sometimes city of lost children. Though a great film! Like a short film stretched to feature length.

  2. I just wanted to say, I love the texture pack! Very fun.

  3. ROBLOX is powered by an ever growing membership base of more than 300,000 creator players who generate an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences.

    These experiences range from 3D games and contests, to interactive adventures where players can take on new avatars to explore what it feels to be a dinosaur, a miner in a quarry or an astronaut out in space.
