Friday, April 22, 2011

cause bich is latin for generosity

Recently my friend BigArmyBug received the game Killing Floor via steam. And his amazingly poor pc was actually able to run the game rather decently. However Killing Floor has a rather steep learning curve right from the start, that quickly levels out once you figure out how its weird menu and perk system works.

So I made this quick guide for my friend so he could easily understand the basics:

Inspired by this, my friend PlasticFir/Lain who helps run the minecraft servers I tend to spend time on, decided to write up his own guide on the game, going a bit more indepth on which weapons to use and when.
It's a good read for anyone wanting to really get into this fun game.

How do I not be bad at Killing Floor?

If you read both these guides you'll be able to play the game way better than the level of bad I decided to play as this morning in order to have a laugh at watching my team die.
Seen here:


After months of waiting, Portal 2 was finally released.
The scope of this game is incredible. Whereas in Portal 1 you spent most of the game in the sterile white testing facilities, Portal 2 really lets you see what makes Aperture Science tick. Including a bit of a history lesson as you travel through the old parts of the lab, that were set up in a salt mine in the early 50's by an entrepreneur named Cave Johnson.
It's pretty interesting because as you ascend the labs, you can see time pass. See the typewriters turn into early computers, see how the company went from a promising lab that experimented on olympians and astronauts, to eventually becoming bankrupt and kidnapping hobos and orphans for test subjects.
You hear Cave Johnson's old recordings to employees as he gets older and bitter and eventually goes silent before he could complete his dream of putting his mind in a machine.

It's an excellent game. Short, but definitely longer than the original.
It might not be half life 3 but with the environments the dev team did for this game, this just gets me more stoked for the possibilities of hl3.
Just look at these screenshots.

Theres a couple of half-life references in the game but nothing that hints toward any sort of finale.


I've spent the last couple of weeks working on the intro to the official website for mass effect 3. But the site is not done or online yet.
Soon though.

In more gruesome news, the other night as I exited Steak n Shake I felt a weird sensation in my mouth. I reached my finger in and felt a large chunk of my top right wisdom tooth fall off.
In a panic I researched what this means on the internet. And then spent the next 12 hours in a fetal position on the floor staring at a wall and weeping occasionally.
Eventually I got to a dentist and as it turns out that wasn't a chunk of actual tooth. However I do need my wisdom teeth to all be removed rather badly.
On monday I'm seeing another dentist and then afterwards will probably be having them removed next week at some point I wager.

I honestly don't care how much it costs at this point. I just want this hysteria to be over and to be asleep during the procedure. I can't go through the hell that was my root canal all over again.

Anyway I'm dying to sleep good night.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Zekey mural sighting!!:
