Saturday, June 25, 2011

Machine men with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men.

It's been a month since my last post and chances are you've been wondering what I've been up to and what's been happening that has kept me away. What grand adventures have kept me from updating this blog and my webcomic for an entire month.

Well it's rather alot of things.

I'm going to summarize it into a bulletpoint list.

  • my boss, Weebl, sent me a new song to animate. It was a song about crabs.

  • I finished work on the intro for the Mass Effect 3 website and sent it off to bioware.

  • A week later at about 7am I suddenly felt an extreme shortness of breath. Heart palpitations. Believing I was having a heart attack I quickly googled what the symptoms of a heart attack are. I was not having one, I was having a panic attack for no reason.

  • The next day I went with my friends to see the new X-Men: First Class movie. The movie was excellent but an hour into the film I suddenly couldn't breathe. My heart was beating irregularly and I felt very weak. Frightened I left the theater to catch my breath. I tried to go back in to finish the film but could not. Within minutes I felt like I was suffocating and I had to leave. My chest was hurting and I couldn't inhale. My friend Mike rushed me to the emergency room while I called my father and brother to tell them I loved them, since I was relatively certain I was going to die.

  • At the hospital they took x-rays of my chest. They also took alot of blood and I learned that if a doctor is good, a syringe doesn't hurt at ALL. Proving past doctors I've had have been kooks. They also measured my heart's EKG. And took a bunch of other tests I can't remember. I learned that I am actually very healthy, I've lost about 60 pounds and my blood pressure is normal. There's nothing physically wrong with me.

  • In short I have a mental problem that caused me to have a severe anxiety attack. After doing some research I concluded that it brought on by too much caffeine in my diet. Considering I drank about 5-8 cans of soda a day it seemed a pretty certain conclusion. So I have changed my diet to cut out caffiene.

  • The hospital gave me Xanex which I took to calm my nerves and brain. It also made me very high. I became very depressed and continued to work on the crabs cartoon.

  • For about a week I still felt weak and depressed and briefly tried to find religion which failed miserably. I made the rounds contacting all my friends and acquaintances I could get ahold of to pay respects in case I passed on.

  • E3 happened and lifted my spirits a bit. Nintendo showed off their bizarre new system.

  • I eventually started feeling better and got back to work on the crab cartoon while my friend Mike prepared to move to Boston for seven weeks. My friend John Ward ie FatBear the Indomitable, had already moved up north in Florida a few weeks prior.

  • the crabs cartoon was so weird and bad when it was finished we decided not to put it on the site. Maybe I'll find something else to do with it.

  • My bill arrived from the hospital. I owe the hospital $1307.74 and I have no insurance! Wakka wakka wakka!


The official Mass Effect 3 site is up. They never used the animation I made for them but they are still paying me which is rather nice of them. Although I feel a bit guilty taking Bioware's money considering they never found a use for the work I did for them.


Bubba the Lovesponge, a semi-local celebrity has a new chi dip that you can get. It is touted as "a chicken wing on a chip" and that is indeed very accurate. It is buffalo sauce, ranch dressing, and chicken breast blended into a gelatinous goop that you dip potato chips in. It is 10 dollars per can. It is amazingly delicious but you could easily make it yourself. I just might.

I've been playing an adorable online game called Spiral Knights. It's a free to play game that mmorpg.
Yes folks it happened.
I found an MMORPG that doesn't disgust me. It plays exactly like Zelda 4-Swords adventures.

Needless to say after much questing I have managed to make my little character look somewhat like the Pyro from Team Fortress 2.


Speakin of, Valve finally released Meet the Medic

Yes this is what playing Medic actually feels like.
And they also made Team Fortress 2 a free game. Yes that's right. The game you've heard me babble about a million times is now free-to-play. And they added a bunch of new weapons including the Detonator, a weapon that gives the pyro a much-needed mobility boost. Sadly its broken ingame right now so it's basically a very weak flaregun.


Also Killing Floor is having an update. A circus update.
I'm pretty excited about this too. New map and what will no doubt be a bunch of weapon balance changes.
Plus the trailer is funny:


That's what I've been up to for a month. But now everything is mostly back to normal.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Oh jeez man, panic attacks are horrible, I am sorry to hear about that!

  2. Oh dang! I'm glad you're ok. That hospital bill is pretty crazy, but it's always nice to be sure that you're not going to die.

  3. Before you die REMEMBER TO PHONE ILLWILLPRESS and apologise for those review you left him.
    Or u will not get to heven!???

  4. Patience, Anon. I've been waiting for it since production started, and a "when it's done approach" is best applied now. Would you rather have an 80% good animation with the last 20% rushed?

  5. Get well sir! Post moar blogz too please :)

  6. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Why did you quit Newgroundz?

    And why did you act as if Newgrounds wasn't srs business but then you started treating it like srs business?

    Also you still animating bruv? And why did you accept my offer in 08 but forgot about it?
