Friday, September 30, 2011

so now you better stop and rebuild all your ruins

Yesterday I turned 26 years old. Me, Mike, Jack, and Tom all went to the World of Beer and drank heartily.

Simultaneously, Valve finally buffed the damage-output of the flamethrowers back to what they used to be a year and a half ago.

And then as icing on the cake, after I got home Nickelodeon was showing "TRUTH OR SQUARE" which will probably be the last good thing to come out of the spongebob series since the current writers have forgotten the character's original personalities entirely.

All in all, it was a good birthday!


Today, the company Swarovski put my design up on their Playbling showcase.

This is Playbling. It's fancy iphone and dvd cases covered in tiny jewels. If you scroll down you can find my section.


My good friend R.Wappin was hired not long ago to provide animation for a feature film.
And now that film is coming to DVD soon. This is the film.
You can see a bit of his animation in the preloader for the site.


My friend sammy knows I have grown to somewhat like the detonator and have been using it to hop into places I shouldn't. He wanted me to make a vid of this one particular hop I found. So here you go.


Other than that I have nothing of interest to update with.
So have this adorable cartoon:

1 comment:

  1. Oscar Gamble5:37 PM

    They dont think it be like it is, but it do.
