Thursday, December 15, 2011

A bottle of whiskey and a new set of lies. Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes.

Well the BBC cartoon thing's been finished for a few days now. In the time during its finishing I put the finishing touches on the Minecraft cartoon I made with my friend Willva. Which basically meant finishing some backgrounds, sound effects, and adding some little effects here and there with Sony Vegas.

Not much to talk about right now.

Killing Floor had an update. All the new weapons are great. Firebug finally has a way to deal with Fleshpounds and Scrakes. Demo finally has a way to deal with crawlers and small crowding zombies.

Team Fortress 2 is about to have an update sometime tonight. Hopefully it will be good. Hopefully.

I'm going to scan Frombie soon so I can take a big crap all over it.

Also MINECRAFT has been officially released. And as alot of folks feared, once it was released Notch has dropped the game like a bad habit and moved on to a new game involving spinning globes and H.P.Lovecraft. Luckily, he dropped the game into the hands of Jeb. Jeb seems to be a very bright fellow indeed and I hope he continues to add neat little features to the game.

Speaking of games I decided to try a little creepy indie title last night called HIDE.

Much like the chap in this video I was only able to find 3 of the 5 signs in the game. Although I found different ones than he did.

By the way if you have not seen the new Muppet movie you should. It's the best Muppet flick since the Christmas Carol with Michael Caine.
Probably one of the best films of the year. Go go go go go so Disney doesn't forget they own this franchise again.

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