Friday, March 02, 2012

Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All Systems Nominal.

New weebl and bob episode is out that I animated.

Don't have much to gab about so I figured I'd talk about that.
Weebl had mentioned wanting to start on this particular storyline chapter in the series long before the BBC job 2 months ago.

Before this toon started weebl wanted me to make a prop for an organ-carrying box. Theres rather alot of types of those so here is some "concept art" for lack of a better word.

The middle one won.

Later in the episode, Chris needed to look as if he had fallen in love with Weebl's mum and tbh Chris hasn't shown a huge wide range of emotions before. I wasn't exactly sure how to approach it.

So I made a few examples and sent them to weebl to see what he thought:

I am still sad Clooney eyes was not picked.


All channels will be updated to the new design on March 7th 2012.

Youtube is forcing everyone to use the new channel design on March 7th. That's right folks if you have a snazzy customized channel with customized buttons, graphics, layout, and header prepare to kiss it all goodbye. You're not going to be able to use it anymore. Prepare for the new age of grey ugly fucking rectangles on everything with rectangle buttons and no customization.

Between this, Blogger's new horrible image pop-up windows, and Chrome, I think Google has completely lost what little semblance of decent design quality they once had.

They're now officially off my personal list of "large companies who aren't run by fucking morons"

You hear that Google? Suck a slippery one.


In other news I made this:

This is an adorable DSi game called SPOTTO I got for literally 2 dollars. It's by the folks who made Paper Mario. It's like a short unforgiving vertical angry birds.

The story from what I can gather is about the daughter of the President of Birds being kidnapped. Kidnapped specifically by ghosts for some reason. Her name is Chikkie Wowow. Yes. The president alerts his armed forces to help him get her back. Spotto the world's best bombirdier, agrees to defeat the ghosts.
By throwing bombs at them.
Apparently bombs kill ghosts.

The aim of the game is basically to make bombs glance off floating furniture in a haunted house so that the bombs land in the mouths of ghosts. The ghosts meanwhile float in one spot with their mouths wide open, apparently unaware a duck wearing a gefechtshelm is chucking frag grenades at the ceiling and blowing them to kingdom come.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Hey Nathan, how do I draw a walrus?
