The blog of a person....yeah that sounds good.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The fly marrying the bumble bee.

Well I am another year older today.

I guess not all of my creative impulses are dead as I have already found myself making 2 new music videos. One for Mentally Detached (who thinks this is the best thing I've made) and a video for Real Estate Fight, a indy punk group from up north who gave me a beautiful and trippy song to animate to.

In a way I am depressed.
Another year and I still have yet to accomplish anything.
Not that I feel I deserve to accomplish things more than any of my fellow e-animators. But I am really sick of having a job that bores the hell out of me. Sure it pays mildly well and I've made friends with my co-workers. But I'd rather be trying out pencil tests and working in maya or going through storyboards instead of handing videos of terrible movies to soccer moms who dont know how bad the film is.

But curious george was cute and happy.
And Ron Howard got alot of independent studios to do the animation, so huzzah for that. He didnt take the simple route of just outsourcing all the animation to korea.

I think I am going to try and get a job at adult swim.
I mean their offices are in georgia, I'm in nearby florida, they animate using flash and adobe aftereffects, as do I. I mean I suppose it'd be a great place to work.
I just need to send something to them to prove myself worthy. Like a demo reel.Not that I know how to make one andalthough my friend made one for me, its near 40 minutes long and I doubt they'd want to sift through that mess.

Anyway, happy birthday to me.
Gonna go out and get some food.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Har har, it is to laugh.


Its done.

Squaresville is done.

This project which has encompassed my very being for several months is complete.

And now I am cold, empty and lifeless.

I am dry.

All my creative impulses have been used up.


But I rented Curious George tonight. To see how it is.