Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My father ate it every day of his life and he lived to the ripe old age of thirty-eight.

Satoshi Kon is dead.

This man has been one of my favorite directors ever since a friend of mine showed me a DVD of Perfect Blue he hat imported about a decade ago.
Kon was not only one of the best directors of psychological thrillers out there, but also one of the only people to apply that sort of serious sensibility to animated films.
Everything he and his friends made was beautiful. Symbolic. And deep without being pretentious or smarmy. He was one of the few directors in Japan left who put real meaning into his films and it's really sad to see that he's gone.
Especially since he was right in the middle of of a really interesting looking film about a robot world called the Dream Machine.

And it wasn't just psychological thrillers he was good at. Tokyo Godfathers is a masterpiece. It's one of the few japanese animation films where the characters show real facial expressions and not just a set amount of cliche cultural ones. Real lip-sync. And it's funny. Not stupid funny. Clever. Like if the Coen Brothers decided to make an animated film about hobos finding a baby in a dumpster. It had such good characters and a gasp-worthy heartbreaking finale.

It's a real damn shame he's gone. That guy was a hero.

He was one of the only directors really trying to push the animation medium into genres that few had the balls to try.

rest in peace.

Right so, in my last post I mentioned that I was going to try to start up a webcomic. Well not hours after I made that post I pretty much said "fuck it" and slapped together a quick site for it.

It took a bit because I had to heavily edit a blog template made in CSS. And I have little knowledge of CSS. This blog is pretty much straight up HTML. Regardless, after a severe amount of trial and error, I got the thing working.

I bought a domain name for it too, but it'll be a bit before that's working the way it's supposed to.


here it is.

The Dustbunnies

So there it is. Drink a cup of Dr.Dazzle soda while reading them.
I'm going to TRY to get at least one of these old comics scanned per day and uploaded.


I think something has gone wrong with Homestar Runner.
And by that I mean the chaps (pun intended) behind it. Let's be honest, very few people regularly check the site anymore. It's the kind of place you visit every few months to catch up on all the stuff you've missed over the last year or so. Which is usually plenty.
But something is up. No new strongbad emails for over a year. A very slowed rate in new content. Only one cartoon for all of 2010 so far.
It makes one wonder if the guys behind it are just out of ideas or having to deal with real life issues for a while. They don't have blogs or anything so it's hard to know.

It's always a bit worrying when a popular site disappears or dies for no foreseeable reason. Like how Fanboys-Online the webcomic died for like a year. Or how INCORECT one of my favorite french graphic design studios, just up and called it quits one day. Took all their stuff down and vanished into the ether.
I'm glad I managed to save alot of their stuff before they disappeared.
I'm also glad I managed to get alot of it back online underneath various aliases.

I finally went through the trouble of doing the last missions in Call of Pripyat.
Which has caused some disturbing behavior in the AI of the various things in the game.
Pseudogiants now move faster than chimeras for some reason. They pretty much slide across the ground now at ridiculous speeds. Simultaneously, they're alot weaker now. I watched a Pseudogiant smack a blind dog 4 times and didnt even kill the dog.So I killed one and took a picture of it up close.

And another weird AI thing is that each time a blowout occurs now alot of the bandits have started sucking their own dicks for no reason. Gotta love the buggy engine. Silly bandits. You won't survive the horrors of the Zone doing that!


To end this post, please watch this video. I hope it brightens your day as it has mine:

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