Monday, August 30, 2010

This city desert makes you feel so cold, it's got so many people but it's got no soul

A quick recap of important recent shit no-one reading this blog cares about:


WEBCOMIC. I started one. Full of old comics. It's really bad!

I'm jobless again. Or have been for about a week. Emails, phone calls, text messages not being returned. Plus the general fact I was pretty much useless over there and the management wasn't giving me any direction so I pretty much sat around the whole time doing nothing.

I've learneds a lessons about takin's risks I won't soon forgets!

Mike, John, Alicia, and Courtney have moved into their fancy shmancy new house. And so, I recorded things. Recorded em good.


I'm working pretty much full time on Polypeptide again. I want this damn thing done already.

Apparently Atmosfear2 came out for Call of Pripyat. Back in like July. And I did not know. So I installed it and good lord. I love mods that make a pretty game even prettier. (yes I basically have God mode on. I beat the game on the hardest difficulty, I feel no guilt modding it to god mode afterwards).

I don't know why people brag about DirectX11. DX10 does amazing shit. Metro2033 is one of the best looking things I've ever seen.
I like that this mod makes the mapping on things look even better.

Even the splattering rain drops on surfaces looks even better.

It also added alot more creepy ambient sounds.

I'm glad I got it. It also fixed the invincible chimeras my last mod had. God damn those were annoying.


I think a Minecraft video I shot a long time ago and uploaded to youtube got linked somewhere popular. Where, I can't be sure. But considering no-one has paid attention to it for months and suddenly it's getting 4+ comments a day seems odd. Unfortunately most of the comments are along the lines of "MY VERSION OF THIS STRUCTURE WILL B BETTER AND HERE IS AN ESSAY ABOUT HOW" as if anyone gives a flippity floppy shit about something your cocky self might build eventually.


My teeth hurt.
Which is a sign it's time for a nap.
Good night.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    sorry you lost your job dude :(
    at least now you have enough time to work on polypep

  2. Thank you for giving me an aneurysm.
