Wednesday, March 30, 2011

For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know.

Alot to talk about.

For starters I saw Sucker Punch. It is completely mindless. It tries to trick you at first into thinking the film is deep, but honestly any of the various cheap pokemon movies manage to have more depth than the film. Also theres about 9 important characters but only 3 of them are interesting. However, those 3 are so interesting they make the film decently entertaining when it's not in the middle of one of it's indescribably over the top action sequences.
Biplanes fighting dragons? Mechs fighting World War I blimps? Robot samurais with gatling guns? Robots hijacking a train?

SuckerPunch is like the new Heavy Metal film that we will never really get. Except it's not quite as spooky or interesting as Heavy Metal.

If you bother to see Sucker Punch, see it for the action sequences and incredible soundtrack. Turn your brain off. Enjoy.

I worry for the new Superman film by Zach Snyder.

Border's still hasn't died entirely yet. So I went there and bought a big book about Blender. I am going to get good at this software if it kills me.


The newest Cadbury episode is done but isn't online yet for whatever reason. I think the chocolate company is late on approving it for distribution or summat.

Two LARGE moths have been hanging outside my house. So I did the sane thing and recorded myself poking the moths with a stick. Enjoy!


Also this game looks cool as hell.


On the minecraft server me and my friends run, they've been trying to recreate Pripyat. Includes the Chernobyl NPP and alot of other landmarks.
Here's some pictures.


Valve is testing a new Left 4 Dead campaign made by a fan modder. The guy who made the map 2 Evil Eyes. Which has been a popular custom campaign for a while.

The new campaign is called COLD STREAM (beta).

It's pretty decent. Not great. Some good ideas though. Very odd designs, some VERY hard parts, theres an flooded house where water currents push you down the stairs and basements of the building as if the house were a giant toilet whirlpool.
The finale is horrible currently as you honestly cant tell what to do even if you've beaten it before. It's mostly flailing around in pine trees while a tank approaches from somewhere.

It is however, very pretty so far. Alot of nice sun effects and Valve's usual very pretty water. Alot of people are suggesting they put the campaign at night. Wandering through a river at night? Sounds spooky to me. One of the best and hardest parts of "THE PASSING" campaign was being stuck in pitch black sewers slowly meandering through water while zombies came from every direction.


If you're a fan of Will it Blend you should check out the latest Dustbunny webcomic I did. It's a giant retarded thing about that series.


Bioware (the peeps who make Dragon Age and Mass Effect) recently contacted me about something pretty awesome.
I might be able to talk about it later but I probably shouldn't for now.


Billy Monks has been working diligently on the level editor for our upcoming game "WONDER KNIGHT RADISH"
I made him around 20-30 new textures the other night.
Here's a rather poor quality image of him fiddling with bugs in the level editor.


  1. OOoooohhh Bioware. Good luck mang!

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    ... Sucker Punch is incredible visually, and I guess it takes a sort of artist to truly and fully appreciate where we can go in our minds.

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