Saturday, March 19, 2011

We're going to need more wands.

The moon is 15% bigger today. Apparently it swung closer to earth tonight for some reason. I went outside to take a lookie-loo. It is indeed slightly larger and brighter. Nothing exactly earth-shattering though. It's not like its a comet or a meteor shower or a nuke. Still, hasn't stopped lots of people from grabbing their tripods and their old dusty betamax camcorders and plonking down on the sidewalk to record the moon. You know, just in case it decides to leave.


Who wants to hear me rap? Anyone? No? Well guess what, dicksponges? You get to hear it anyway!


Yeah unf take it all. You wish you could rap that hard.

Oh yeah I painted something.

Anyone who visits regularly may have noticed that I have not made a new painting in rather a while. Months even. Maybe even a year. I'm not sure. Anyway I finally worked up the motivation last night to pop open Art Rage Studio and make myself paint something.
And hey it's....not bad actually. Added it to the ol' portfolio. Not sure how many hours I spent on it.

Anyway here it is.

Based loosely off this and this.
Kirby, Mother, and Klonoa. Three adorable games that usually have really creepy final bosses.


Last post I talked about how I had refined my Minecraft texture pack to be a subtle edit of everything. Someone posted it on Reddit and it got like 3,000 views. Alot of my junk's been posted on Reddit lately. I think I have like one really devoted fan who does it. Anywho, in a great bit of irony Minecraft no longer works properly for me. Game crashes after about 5 minutes of play, even after downloading a fresh install. Breaks my heart.

This doesn't mean I won't keep updating the pack however, in fact I'm going to need to update it soon.

Recently the creators posted that they are adding pets to the game. Something people have been modding into the game for ages, but now the creators are doing their own. Look, pet wolves. D'awww how cute.

On notch's Tumblr (which is a blog thing much like blogger and wordpress) he wrote "There are manly men with powertools in our office, punching floors and walls in an attempt to make things look better. "
I wonder if this means they are putting up...that thing...that I did for them.

Which reminds me I drew a minecrafty thing you can use for a desktop if you want. I felt like drawing a Ghast. And so I did.


Valve recently added a new thing to the Tf2beta or as I like to call it 'Pyro is briefly useful mode'
The thing they added? Replays! No longer will you have to fiddle with frustrating demos and source code to make cool video of people blowing each other up.
It's a simple video editor ingame that records one life of play, saves it, and then lets you play it back, move the camera easily, snip chunks out, export them, etc. It's buggy as hell right now but works pretty good.

So I figured I might as well make a frag video showing my astonishing pyro skills. As everyone knows it is the class with the highest skill ceiling.


That reminds me Radiohead have a new album out. And the Gorillaz new on-the-road album the Fall is getting a physical release. I loved The Fall.

I think you can still listen to it if you register here but I have no fuckin idea it's a wild flying guess.


Rango is amazing by the way please go and see it.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! I love the new painting. It will probably end up becoming my new desktop. Also my condolences for Minecraft, I hope it will stop crashing for you. Hopefully in an update in the near future.
