Which is good.
I can get my car fixed.
Also, me and Mike and Raphael went to Fort DeSoto today, because of the rumored awesome piers and docks that are good for fishing. And indeed they were. And whilst there I found a wee Beetle Bug.
He was quite crawley and harmless and like 2 inches long, so I decided to draw him. He had the appearance of a female stag beetle, but without the little pinchy mandibles. A lovely bug.

Also I sorted a bunch of my favorite videos into a Youtube playlist.
But it appears to not be working right.
Bah. :/
edit: oh screw it. If youtube ever learns how to make their own freaking codes work, I'll gladly allow them to put a giant horrid white rectangle on my blog. But they won't, so I won't. Stupid crap.
Also I have discovered a lovely restaurant in Collier's Parkway. It's called "Moe's"
And it has some extremely huge, extremely delicious burritos. It's like a "Tijuana Flats" type of Restaurant, but with a very different flavor, and BIG portions. Good place. Alas, that it is so far away. While the food is not as tasty as Tijuana Flats, I'd take Moe's diced jalapeños over Flat's sliced jalapeños any day.
also, some tiny horrible sketch I did:

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